Bottom Floating Facebook Like Box Widget for Blogspot Blogger

Bottom Floating Facebook Like Box Widget for Blogspot Blogger

Bottom Floating Facebook Like Box Widget for Blogger
Bottom Floating Facebook Like Box Widget for Blogger - Hello readers, today i am going to share an awesome article with you. This is very unique and helpful widget for all bloggers. Sometimes we required to engage our audience to let them read our latest tips and tricks. Facebook pan page is easiest way to keep your audience in your hand. Then you have to need increase your fan page like. By using this awesome bottom floating facebook like box for blogger you can easily increase your facebook like with your targeted audience.

Bottom Floating Facebook Like Box for Blogger Blogspot

When you install this bottom floating like box on you blog, you will surely get a very positive result. This widget working fine with also smartphone device. You should also try Floating Facebook Like Box For Blogger this widget also working fine. I hope this blogger widgets will be helpful for you for increasing your facebook like.

Now lets star the tutorial. Before starting work, please take a backup of your template for safety.

  • Now go to Template > Edit HTML and past the below CSS before </style>

#open-fb{background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 4px solid rgb(210, 210, 210); bottom: 0; border-bottom: 0; float:left; height: auto; margin-bottom: 0; margin-right: 5px; position: fixed; right: 0; width: auto; z-index: 10;} .close-fb{color: #333!important; position: absolute; top: 1px; right: 1px; width: 20px; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; text-align: center; font-size: 11px;} .slideUp{ animation-name: slideUp; -webkit-animation-name: slideUp; animation-duration: 1s; -webkit-animation-duration: 1s; animation-timing-function: ease; -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease; visibility: visible !important; } @keyframes slideUp { 0% { transform: translateY(100%); } 50%{ transform: translateY(-8%); } 65%{ transform: translateY(4%); } 80%{ transform: translateY(-4%); } 95%{ transform: translateY(2%); } 100% { transform: translateY(0%); } } @-webkit-keyframes slideUp { 0% { -webkit-transform: translateY(100%); } 50%{ -webkit-transform: translateY(-8%); } 65%{ -webkit-transform: translateY(4%); } 80%{ -webkit-transform: translateY(-4%); } 95%{ -webkit-transform: translateY(2%); } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(0%); } }

  • Now past below codes before </body>

<div class='slideUp' id='open-fb'> <a class='close-fb' href='#close-fb-like-box' onclick='hide(&apos;open-fb&apos;)' title='Close'><i class='fa fa-times'/></a> <div class='fb-like-box ' data-header='false' data-height='62' data-href='' data-show-faces='true' data-stream='false' data-width='187'><span style='height: 62px; width: 187px; '><iframe allowTransparency='true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='//;width=187&amp;height=62&amp;show_faces=false&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;stream=false&amp;border_color&amp;header=true' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:187px; height:62px;'/> </span></div></div> <script type='text/javascript'> function show(target) { document.getElementById(target).style.display = &#39;block&#39;; } function hide(target) { document.getElementById(target).style.display = &#39;none&#39;; } </script>
Note: Change knigulper with your page user name twice.

Now Save template and view result by refreshing page.

I hope you liked this awesome tutorial. If yes, then do not forget to share this on you social media and other friends. And if your facing any problems with this bottom floating facebook like box widget for blogger, then inform us on comment section with your problem. We will try to resolve your problems.
Reaction Buttons for Blogspot Blogger

Reaction Buttons for Blogspot Blogger

Reaction Buttons for Blogspot Blogger
Reaction Buttons for Blogspot Blogger - After a long time i am back with another tutorial for you. Here is another big and very useful blogger widgets. You can show reaction buttons on your blogspot blog. Reaction is a smart way for your visitors to leave feedback without leaving any comments. Here is very simple way to add reacation buttons for blogspot blogger using website.

You can discover lots of awesome blogger widgets by Knigulper. Now lets starting the tutorial.
Step1: Go to
Step2: Now signup with your Blog title, e-mail and your website.

Reaction Buttons for Blogspot Blogger

Step3: Now choose your emotion design and click Done.
Step4: Now copy the code.

Reaction Buttons for Blogspot Blogger

Step5: Now go to Edit HTML and find <data:post.body/>
Step6: Past copied code right after <data:post.body/>