Whenever you create a new site you always find yourself going to the major social networking sites to grab their colors to use in icons or buttons. I have collected all the colors codes in one place for the following 20 social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Youtube, Vimeo, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Dribbble, Quora, Foursquare, Forrst, VK, WordPress, StumbleUpon, Yahoo, Blogger and SoundCloud. You can copy paste any of the following for your website/blog.
Check out: Syntax Highlighter Shortcode For BlogSpot Blogs
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Social Media Brand Color Codes
Twitter: #00aced rgb (0, 172, 237)
Facebook: #3b5998 rgb (59, 89, 152)
Googleplus: #dd4b39 rgb (221, 75, 57)
Pinterest: #cb2027 rgb (203, 32, 39)
Linkedin: #007bb6 rgb (0, 123, 182)
Youtube: #bb0000 rgb (187, 0, 0)
Vimeo: #aad450 rgb (170, 212, 80)
Tumblr: #32506d rgb (50, 80, 109)
Instagram: #517fa4 rgb (81, 127, 164)
Flickr: #ff0084 rgb (255, 0, 132)
Dribbble: #ea4c89 rgb (234, 76, 137)
Quora: #a82400 rgb (168, 36, 0)
Foursquare: #0072b1 rgb (0, 114, 177)
Forrst: #5B9A68 rgb (91, 154, 104)
Vk: #45668e rgb (69, 102, 142)
Wordpress: #21759b rgb (33, 117, 155)
Stumbleupon: #EB4823 rgb (235, 72, 35)
Yahoo: #7B0099 rgb (123, 0, 153)
Blogger: #fb8f3d rgb (251, 143, 61)
Soundcloud: #ff3a00 rgb (255, 58, 0)
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